A place where young golfers can grow

At our club, we believe in nurturing the next generation of golfers, offering a vibrant and supportive environment where juniors can thrive both on and off the golf course.

Our junior golf program is meticulously designed to introduce young enthusiasts to the fundamentals of the game, emphasising not only skill development but also sportsmanship, discipline, and the joy of golf. With a variety of competitive and recreational opportunities, we are committed to fostering a love for the game in a fun and engaging way. Antill Park Golf Club is a place where young golfers can grow, challenge themselves, and form lasting friendships, all while being part of a community that values their development and achievements. We invite juniors of all skill levels to join us, embark on a rewarding golfing journey, and be part of a future where their potential knows no bounds.

Please contact the Pro Shop for information on upcoming Junior Clinics. Junior Comp on Saturdays.

Junior Golf Clinics

  • Learn the game of golf
  • Meet new friends
  • Have fun while learning
  • Skill development

Meet our local Juniors

Harry Davies

Seventeen-year-old Harry from Tahmoor found his golfing passion in 2019 while caddying for his dad. Now in year 12 at St Greg’s, he cherishes winning the 2023 match play championship and the 2022 foursomes with his dad. Outside golf, he plays oztag and enjoys time with friends. Harry practices golf almost daily during holidays and 2-3 times weekly during school terms, focusing on putting and chipping. Inspired by golfer Min Woo Lee, Harry’s strength lies in his short game, developed through rigorous practice. He’s competed in tournaments, striving for consistency in his ball flight. Golf has taught him patience and respect, values he applied during a pivotal match in Picton. Aspiring to be a touring Golf Pro, Harry dreams of playing at Augusta for its prestige. He encourages persistence in practice to new golfers and values the supportive community at Antill Park Country Golf Club.

Jack Gogarty

Jack, a passionate young golfer from Antill Park Country Golf Club, found his love for golf through his dad and cherishes his first birdie at Muirfield Golf Club as a highlight of his journey. Beyond the greens, he enjoys sports and friendships, showcasing a balanced lifestyle. Inspired by golfer Cam Smith, Jack focuses on honing his game, especially his short game and ball striking. Aiming for a professional career, he values the lessons of patience and focus golf has taught him. To young golfers, his advice is simple: stay true to your game and never give up. At Antill Park, he appreciates the supportive community, which fuels his ambition.

Ben Devine

At 15, Ben’s golfing journey started at five, thanks to his dad. His passion grew through friends’ shared enthusiasm and a memorable clinic. Highlighting his experiences, winning an individual and teams event in one day stands out, especially with the victory commemorated by a special framed card. Off the course, Ben enjoys Xbox, friends, and the gym. He practices golf four times a week, focusing on a blend of short game drills and playing.

Inspired by Bill Higgin’s, Ben admires the mutual success they share on the course, attributing his consistent ball striking to diligent practice and learning from YouTube. His competitive streak is evident in local tournaments and notable participations, like the Jack Newton Junior Event. Currently, Ben aims to sharpen his short game, while golf has taught him patience and persistence, valuable beyond the greens. Aspiring to scratch by 16, he dreams of playing at Jack’s Point in New Zealand, leveraging golf for personal growth and as a junior member of Antill Park, he values his role in shaping the club’s future.

More about Harry

Personal Background and Introduction
I’m 17 years old and born and bred in Tahmoor. I went to Wollondilly Anglican College for primary school and now in year 12 at St Gregs. I became interested in golf after caddying for dad on Saturday mornings in 2019.

My favourite memory in golf so far was winning the matchplay championship in 2023. Another memory was winning the foursomes with dad in 2022.

When I’m not playing golf, I’m playing oztag and hanging out with my mates.

Golf Experience & Motivations
The thing I enjoy about playing golf would be playing a good round after a long week of practice to show that it’s paying off.

In school holidays I practice almost every day but going back to school, I try to practice 2-3 times a week and play on Saturday. My practice session always starts with a putt and chip before I decide what I need to practice on. They usually go for around 2-3 hours.

Min Woo Lee is my favourite golfer, this is because he is such a nice guy when I met him and a great golfer.

Skills & Achievements
I believe the strongest part of my game is my short game (putting, chipping). I developed this through spending countless hours practicing this to get better and better.

I have played in a few tournaments. The first one I played, I was nervous as anything on the first tee. But once I played my first one, I wanted to keep playing them.

I am currently working on getting a consistent ball flight. This is so important because I will always be able to rely on it.

Golf and Life Skills
Golf helps a lot of people mature and teaches you how to respect people. It helps teach life skills to everyone.

On the course was when I was playing Pennants at Picton and I was one down with five to play. I know I had to be patient and wait for him to mess up. This helped the team a lot because I won.

Future Aspirations
My dream is to become a touring Golf Pro.

I would love to play at Augusta in the Masters. This is because I have always wanted to play there and it’s the biggest tournament each year.

Personal Reflections
Golf is an easy game to get hooked on but also easy to give up. But stick with it and practice to get better.

At Antill Park Country Golf Club, we may not have the practice facilities that larger Clubs have but its members at Picton make it the place it is. They are always asking how I am going, how’s golf going and it makes it such a nice place to be at. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

More about Jack

Personal Background and Introduction

Before golf I played many sports and still do, I love the outdoors and going to the beach.  My dad got me into golf and I loved being out on the course with everything.

My favourite memory of golf so far is my first birdie. It was at Muirfeild Golf Club on hole 14, a pare 4. I hite my drive to the right, then with a 5 iron hit the ball to about 7 foot and made the putt.

I enjoy all other sports and hanging out with my mates.

Golf Experience & Motivations

I enjoy most about golf is getting out on the course and play a fun, social round with mates and not worrying about my score.

I like to practice as much as possible after school, just short sessions around 1-2 hours, working on putting and chipping mainly but also making sure I hit a few balls to make my ball striking better.  Holidays is usually the same but longer sesssions most of the day.

My favourite golfer is Cam Smith, I love how everyone knows him for his short game and also for having a good time.

Skills & Achievements

I believe the strongest part of my game is my wedges, although it's not great, I think it's consistent and saves me from extra shots I don't need to hit.

Outside of the local Saturday comp, I have played in different Jack Newton events. This is an organisation run just for juniours, it is great to be a poart of these events as you have similar competition and get to see different golf courses all over the place.

Currently I am trying to make my ball strking more consistent and hitting the ball further.

Golf and Life Skills

Playing golf is full of controlling your emotions and making the correct decisions. During school, I also have to make the right decisions on my school work and control my emotions at different places like at home and with friends.

When I played the Encourage Shield match play and I needed to stay focused to win my match.

Future Aspirations

My golf dream is to play professionally on the PGA Tour or LIV Tour.

I would like to play at Pinehurst in America, when I started getting into golf seriously, I watched a YouTube golfer who played all of the Pinehurst courses and I really liked the look of them.

Personal Reflections

The best advice I would give young players starting out is stick to your game, accept advice from others but do what works for you and make sure to never give up.

Being a junior at Antill Park means I get to enjoy support from members and staff plus there is always someone to play golf with who is always welcoming.

More about Ben

Personal Background and Introduction
I'm 15 years old and my dad introduced me to the game when I was 5 years of age. When I was 7 years of age I did a brief clinic at the club. More recently some of my friends started playing and as I got better I became more interested.

I like playing X box, hanging with my mates and going to the gym.

Golf Experience & Motivations
What I enjoy most about golf is shooting a low score and seeing the ball going to where I intended it.

I generally try to practice 4 times a week doing a mixture of short game, putting and playing a few holes.

My favourite golfer is Bill Higgin's (a long time member at Antill) because he's a nice guy to play with. I seem to shoot low scores when he and I play.

Skills & Achievements
The strongest part of my game at this point is my consistency in ball striking. I developed it by watching youTube clips and practicing many times.

I play locally most weekends and in the school holidays. I've played comps at other courses and recently played in the Jack Newton Junior Event at Parkes finishing 9th overall in the nett for my age division.

I am currently trying to improve my short game, getting it closer to the hole from 100m.

Golf and Life Skills
Golf has helped me to develop patience, persistence and self control. It has provided me with the opportunity to interact with different adults beyond my extended family and my parents' friends.

I have had to use patience when I have been caught with a slow player or caught behind someone playing slowly.

Future Aspirations
My goal is to get to scratch by the age of 16.

I would eventually like to play at Jack's Point in New Zealand. Mum's friend lives on the course and I was hoping to get an invite to play if we visit.

Personal Reflections
Being a junior member of Antill Park is important because we are the next generation of this club.